lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018


This week we have been celebrating St. Patrick's Day in our school. For that reason, on Friday we wore green clothes, since GREEN is the colour for Ireland.

We learnt a little bit about the history of St. Patrick:

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in Ireland in March, 17th. The capital city of Ireland is Dublin.

The Irish flag is green, white and orange.

Leprechauns are tiny men who wear green clothes. They collect pots of gold and they hide them at the end of the rainbow.


Esta semana hemos estado celebrando el día de San Patricio en nuestro cole. Por esa razón, el viernes nos pusimos ropa verde, ya que el verde es el color de Irlanda.

Aprendimos un poco sobre la historia de San Patricio:

El día de San Patricio se celebra en Irlanda el 17 de marzo. La capital de Irlanda es Dublín.

La bandera irlandesa es verde, blanca y naranja.

Los LEPRECHAUNS son hombres diminutos que usan ropa verde (duendes). Coleccionan ollas de oro y las esconden al final del arco iris.

This week, we have been working on this mini-book to remember the history of St. Patrick's Day.
Esta semana, hemos estado trabajando en este mini libro para recordar la historia del día de San Patricio.

On Friday, we played different games related to St Patrick's Day vocabulary. Then, we made a green hat, we maked up a shamrock in our face and we took some photographs...

We also found a pot of gold!
We took the pot of gold from a leprechaun!


El viernes, jugamos diferentes juegos relacionados con el vocabulario del día de San Patricio. Luego, hicimos un sombrero verde, nos pintamos un trébol en la cara y nos hicimos algunas fotos...

También ¡encontramos una olla de oro!
¡ Se la quitamos a un duende!



In the English subject, we have been learning about food. We already know the names of some different food and also how to ask and answer the question: DO YOU LIKE...?

Here, you can watch some games we played.

We learnt this song:

And here is our own version:

Then, we imagined some yucky food and this was the result.

Finally, we built the correct structure of the sentence we had learnt.




Here is the 'study sheet' and the 'Reading sheet' of the second term.




We also have been learning about the differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

- Vertebrate animals have a skeleton.
- Invertebrate animals don't have a skeleton.


También hemos estado aprendiendo sobre las diferencias entre los animales vertebrados e invertebrados.

- Los animales vertebrados tienen  esqueleto.
- Los animales invertebrados no tienen esqueleto.

To reinforce these contents we made the following sheets:


Para reforzar estos contenidos hicimos las siguientes fichas:

A tiger is a vertebrate animal. It has a skeleton.

A starfish is an invertebrate animal. It doesn't have a skeleton.

We also talked about dinosaurs. They were reptiles and they were vertebrate animals. Some of them were carnivore with sharped teeth and other dinosaurs were herbivore with rounded teeth. Hakim brought to our classroom the skeleton of one of his toys.
También hablamos sobre dinosaurios. Eran reptiles y eran animales vertebrados. Algunos de ellos eran carnívoros con dientes afilados y otros dinosaurios eran herbívoros con dientes redondeados. Hakim trajo a nuestra clase el esqueleto de uno de sus juguetes.


As we have been learning about insects, we investigated about them.

Characteristics of insects are the following ones:

- They are invertebrate animals.
- They have head, thorax and abdomen.
- Some have wings and some can fly.
- They have two antennae and six legs.

We observed some bugs and we found the only one in the sheet that it wasn't an insect.


Como hemos estado aprendiendo sobre los insectos, investigamos sobre ellos.

Las características de los insectos son las siguientes:

-Son animales invertebrados.
-Tienen cabeza, tórax y abdomen.
-Algunos tienen alas y otros pueden volar.
-Tienen dos antenas y seis patas.
Observamos algunos bichos y encontramos el único de la ficha que no era un insecto.