lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018


We also have been learning about the differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

- Vertebrate animals have a skeleton.
- Invertebrate animals don't have a skeleton.


También hemos estado aprendiendo sobre las diferencias entre los animales vertebrados e invertebrados.

- Los animales vertebrados tienen  esqueleto.
- Los animales invertebrados no tienen esqueleto.

To reinforce these contents we made the following sheets:


Para reforzar estos contenidos hicimos las siguientes fichas:

A tiger is a vertebrate animal. It has a skeleton.

A starfish is an invertebrate animal. It doesn't have a skeleton.

We also talked about dinosaurs. They were reptiles and they were vertebrate animals. Some of them were carnivore with sharped teeth and other dinosaurs were herbivore with rounded teeth. Hakim brought to our classroom the skeleton of one of his toys.
También hablamos sobre dinosaurios. Eran reptiles y eran animales vertebrados. Algunos de ellos eran carnívoros con dientes afilados y otros dinosaurios eran herbívoros con dientes redondeados. Hakim trajo a nuestra clase el esqueleto de uno de sus juguetes.

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