domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018


This term, we started learning some Sorolla's life facts. After explaining that, we worked on some worksheets and we continued working on some of his famous paintings.

The first one was a self-portrait, and for next week we continued with one of his most famous: "Paseo a orillas del mar" (1909).


Este trimestre empezamos a trabajar algunos aspectos de la vida de Joaquín Sorolla. Después de explicarlo, trabajamos con algunas fichas y seguimos con algunos de sus cuadros más famosos.

El primero fue un autorretrato y a la semana siguiente continuamos con una de sus obras más famosas: "Paseo a orillas del mar" (1909).


Joaquín Sorolla was an important Spanish painter. He was born in Valencia.

Sorolla is known as the 'painter of the sea'.

This is his family.


This Sorolla's self-portrait is the own version of one of our students.

We have made this famous painting, using the stippling technique.

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