martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017


We have been talking about the five senses in our Science classes. Children have learnt the name of each sense and the organ it is used. Five senses are: SIGHT, HEARING, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH.

In the class we've got this poster to remember them:


En la clase de Ciencias de la Naturaleza hemos estado hablando de los cinco sentidos. Los niñ@s han aprendido el nombre de cada sentido y el órgano que se usa. Los cinco sentidos son: la VISTA, el OÍDO, el OLFATO, el GUSTO y el TACTO.

En la clase, tenemos este póster para recordarlos:

We have heard this song about 5 senses:
Hemos escuchado esta canción de los 5 sentidos:

After that, we have made a worksheet.
Después, hemos hecho una ficha.

And we played a game, where our classmates had to guess what we had drawn.


Y jugamos a un juego, donde los compañeros tenían que adivinar que habíamos dibujado.

With my nose, I can smell rubbish.

With my tongue, I can taste an ice-cream.

With my hands, I can touch a ball.

With my ears, I can hear a television.

We also made an experiment. A child with closed eyes used a specific sense and the rest had to say what sense was using that classmate.


También hicimos un experimento. Un niñ@, con los ojos cerrados usaba un sentido haciendo algo, y el resto de la clase tenía que adivinar qué sentido estaba usando ese compañer@.

Antonio is touching a teddy. It is soft. He is using the touch.

 Ilias is smelling soap. He is using the sense of smell.

 Sheila is touching a scourer. It is rough. She is using the touch.

Antonia is listening to music. She is using the hearing sense.

Khadija is reading a book. She is using the sight.


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